What to do on Easter Monday in Monferrato?

What to do on Easter Monday in Monferrato?

monferratoPicnicPicnic Pasqua & Pasquetta
What to do on Easter Monday in Monferrato?

What do you want to do on Easter Monday? 
Lunch with friends? The usual barbecue?
At Neh Experience we offer you something better.
An experience for everyone: young and old!
For an incredible Experience, you need a venue that lives up to expectations!
That magical place is MONFERRATO!
And you will say, "What is there to do in Monferrato?" or "Is there really anything to see in Monferrato?"
Don't worry, friends... we at Neh Experience have the answer to your questions!
Pssst... trust us, this experience will be truly unforgettable! Trust us!

The Garrone farm is pleased to introduce you: 

This incredible offer, only valid on 1 April, begins with a two-hour walk to discover and explore the curiosities of Grana Monferrato. 
This long walk also serves for the next part of the programme: a fantastic treasure hunt!

The theme of the hunt is WINE EDITION!


Ever been on a treasure hunt in a VINEYARD and WINE FARM?

Believe it... the clues will be intoxicating!

The treasure hunt is designed for both young and old, don't worry.

After all this movement comes the highlight of the experience: the PIC-NIC.
The winery is very careful in choosing the products that make up the picnic basket. The owners use LOCAL PRODUCTS to enhance the specialties of the Monferrato territory. 

To close this incredible day there is a guided tour of the farm. 
The staff will guide you through the cellars and explain the philosophy behind the production of their wine and other products. 

If you wish to shop on-site, don't worry because there is also a COMPANY SHOP!

What more is there to say? 
Do you know little about the area? Do you need to figure out what to do or see in Monferrato?
No problem, at Neh Experience, we give you some basic information to whet your curiosity. 
Monferrato is an area of Piedmont and one of the best known.
This fame is mainly due to wine production.
That's right, Monferrato is a great producer of BARBERA and ASTI SPUMANTE.

This reputation and the care taken in production has made the region a key destination for all food and wine enthusiasts.

In addition, this year Gran Monferrato (Acqui Terme, Casale Monferrato and Ovada) and Alto Piemonte (Ghemme and Gattinara) were awarded the status of European Wine Capital 2024.

In short... this Easter Monday is an excellent opportunity to visit Monferrato. 

Summing up:

This experience is truly ALL-INCLUSIVE and is only valid for 1 April.

What are you waiting for to book?

And no, we assure you it is not an APRIL'S FOOL.

Are you in Turin and you want to experience something special?

No problem, we've a speacial Easter treat for you. We recommend you to try the Colomba, a typical italian easter cake. This speciality will be avaiable at Alberto Marchetti, a renowed italian sweet and ice cream artisan!

See you soon.